一直从事植物抗病信号转导研究,以第一作者、共同第一作者或合作作者,在Science, PNAS, Plant Physiology, Plant Journal等国际著名杂志上发表学术论文13篇。主持山东省泰山学者启动基金(2012-2017)、国家自然科学基金面上项目(2012-2016)等研究课题。
1. Xiaowen He, Yanhong Huo, Xiuxia Liu, Qianqian Zhou, Shouqian Feng, Xiang Shen, Baohua
Li, Shujing Wu*, Xuesen Chen*. 2018. Activation of disease resistance against
Botryosphaeria dothidea by down-regulating the expression of MdSYP121 in apple.
Horticulture Research DOI 10.1038/s41438-018-0030-5 5:24(*通讯作者)
2. Jinggeng Zhou, Ping Wang, Lucas AN Claus, Daniel V Savatin, Guangyuan Xu, Shujing Wu,
Xiangzong Meng, Eugenia Russinova, Ping He, Libo Shan. 2019. Proteolytic processing of
SERK3/BAK1 regulates plant immunity, development and cell death. Plant Physiology,
180(1): 543–558.
3. Shujing Wu, Libo Shan, Ping He. 2014. Microbial signature-triggered plant defense
responses and early signaling mechanism. Plant Science, 228: 118–126.
4. Dongping Lu*,Shujing Wu*, Yulan Zhang, Xiquan Gao, Libo Shan and Ping He. 2010. A receptor-like cytoplasmic kinase BIK1 associates with flagellin receptor complex to initiate plant innate immunity. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 107: 496–501.(* 同等贡献第一作者)
5.Dongping Lu, Wenwei Lin, Xiquan Gao, Shujing Wu, Cheng Cheng, Heese Antje, Julia Avila, Timothy P. Devarenne, Libo Shan, Ping He. 2011. Direct ubiquitination of pattern recognition receptor FLS2 attenuates plant innate immunity. Science, 332: 1439–1442 .
6. Shujing Wu, Dingping Lu, Mehdi Kabbage, Hai-Lei Wei, Bryan Swingle, Martin Dickman, Ping He, Libo Shan. 2011. Bacterial effector HopF2 suppresses Arabidopsis innate immunity at the plasma membrane. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, 24: 585–593.
7. Jinggeng Zhou*, Shujing Wu*, Xin Chen, Chenglong Liu, Jen Sheen, Libo Shan and Ping He. 2014. The Pseudomonas syringae effector HopF2 suppresses Arabidopsis immunity by targeting BAK1. Plant Journal, 77: 235–245. (* 同等贡献第一作者)
8. Dongping Lu*,Shujing Wu*, Yulan Zhang, Xiquan Gao, Libo Shan and Ping He. 2010. A receptor-like cytoplasmic kinase BIK1 associates with flagellin receptor complex to initiate plant innate immunity. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 107: 496–501. (* 同等贡献第一作者)
9. Fuhao Cui*, Shujing Wu*, Wenxian Sun, GittaCoaker, Barbara Kunkel, Ping He, and Libo Shan. 2013. The Pseudomonas syringae type III effector AvrRpt2 promotes pathogen virulence via stimulating Arabidopsis auxin/indole acetic acid protein turnover. Plant Physiology, 162: 1018–1029. (* 同等贡献第一作者)
10. 刘秀霞,梁宇宁,张伟伟,霍艳红,冯守千,邱化荣,何晓文,吴树敬*,陈学森*. 2018.超表达MdFLS2 的拟南芥fls2 突变体识别细菌鞭毛蛋白,提高对轮纹病菌的抗性. 园艺学报,45(5),827–844.(*通讯作者)
11. 张芮,张宗营,高利平,冀晓昊,毛志泉,许海峰,王楠,吴树敬*,陈学森*. 2015. 苹果绵肉与脆肉株系果实质地差异的分子机理. 中国农业科学,48(18): 3676–3688.(*通讯作者)
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